Travel Destination: Spain
Riders to ride with: Kevin Washington, Todd Carter, Joe Cicman
Car: Mazda
Movie: Kingdom of Heaven Director’s Cut
Color: Purple
Shoes: Nike Air Force 1
Bike Company: Reklamation Bikes
Bike shop: Mock Orange Bikes
Restaurant Chain: Carrabbas
Clothing company: Flat Society
Phone: Iphone
Music: Anything with a good beat to ride to
Ramp Rider: Hoffman
Street rider: Simms
Dirt rider: Matty Aquizap
Flatland Rider: Jean-William Prevost
Old School rider: RL or Gerry Smith
Trick: Anything new I’m learning
BMX magazine: Old Freestylin'
BMX MC: Scott O’Brien
Video game: No time for that
BMX photographer: Rob Dolecki
BMX Filmer: Anyone I can talk into filming me
Girl: Why yes, but keep you from riding
Sport besides BMX: BMX is the only one
Party: Not really anymore