Movie: Rocky movies
Color: Black & white
Web video: All new stuff I've been seeing from around the world
Shoes: Nike shoes from Back to he future
Bike company: I like quality products, no matter which company
BMX contest: Real City Spin in Canada years ago
Bike shop: Flatsociety
Resturant Chain: Vapiano
Clothing Company: Off White and Nike
Phone: Samsung for sure
Music: Hip Hop
Ramp rider: Dave Mirra & Logan Martin
Street rider: Brad Simms
Dirt rider: Daniel Sandoval
Flatland rider: Too many to write it down here
Old school rider: Kevin Jones
Drink: Focus Water
Trick: Bike Flip
BMX Magazine: Like them all, don't have a favorite
BMX MC: Scott O'Brien
Video game: BMX games
BMX photographer: Love all who are doing good BMX pics
BMX filmer: My friend Dustyn Alt from Germany
Girl: My girlfriend Dijana
Sport besides Bmx: Golf, fishing
Party: BMX & birthday parties